Thursday, August 4, 2011

sports today

Today the CBA  approved there deal so whats this mean the free agents can play with there new teams each team gets 45 million and the Vikings still suck. And why do the Vikings suck because "waters wet, the sky is blue, and i still hate Minnesota" ya i just referenced The Last Boy Scout. Now to continue with all the happenings i also heard that there was a suspension today of one Yadier Molina of the St. Louis Cardinals and for what well in case you missed it on Tuesday night Mr. Molina spat in the face of the home plate umpire. Well i guess that spitting isn't a good practice in baseball anymore but then again spitting at an ump that's the right call by seligs office and why is it cause the sport isn't  gonna have a catcher who mind you has a short temper blow up at an umpire who is doing his job. So to you Mr. Molina I say good day. Now to something of real importance the current state of the NBA lockout. I actually shouldnt be one to comment on this topic because do i follow basketball? NO! But as a sports fan i do care and I do know that if the NBA lockout goes as long as the NFL, the NBA is doomed for the 2011-12 season and why is that? Cause of the rookie talent that is gonna go to waste. Ya some of the older guys could do what the likes of Drew Brees and hold there own practices but why would they, all it seems to me is that NBA players are all about money.  Now for my final thought and thats on Tiger. He recently let his long time caddy go, and now is in his first tourny after and what does he do? He starts by shooting -2 and is 5 strokes back. So Tiger if this is the change needed to reboost your career then have at it I personaly think that you may not want to let your doctor go cause he may be your saving grace in a couple years when that knee of yours goes out again.
So till next time sports fans i say to you "ITS IN THE HOLE"

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